Tuesday, October 20, 2015

21 Quick Tips To Help You Reach Success In Your Home Business

People ask me all the time "What is your secret? What is it that you are doing to reach success, can you give me tips? I want to be a successful work at home mom too!!" These 21 tips are my "Secret" and if you follow them everyday consistently, you too will be a six figure earner in the work at home industry! I TRULY believe that!

1. Better Listening Means More Enrollments

Focus on your prospects needs rather than yours. How can you help THEM? Listen for their why. Engage with them. You will create a connection with your prospect if they can hear that you care. This is how you will become a master recruiter.

2. Smile On Your Prospecting Calls

They will hear the kindness and excitement in your voice. Take the saying "Smile and Dial" to heart....it works!!

3. Focus On How Many People You Can Talk To Versus How Many People You Can Enroll

When you're focused on results, it can stress you out. Instead, focus on talking to as many people as you can. Think of each conversation whether they enroll or not as a success. When you do this, the enrollments WILL follow!

4. If An Advertising Method Isn't Working, Try Something Else

Don't dwell on what is not working, go out and find something that DOES work!

5. Do Something Today Completely Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Like TODAY, when you're done reading this! Whatever makes you uncomfortable but you know in the back of your mind that not doing it is holding you back from success....DO IT!!!!!

6. Instead Of Focusing On The Negative, Find Something Positive To Focus On

Don't let negativity overpower your day. You have a choice, is this going to be a good day or a bad day? Also, your team is watching you, your prospects are listening to you, attitudes are contagious, what you feel, they will feel.

7. Be Grateful For What You Already Have

When you're focusing on the good things in your life (and you have them, even if you think you don't), it's hard to be negative or feel down. Living with an attitude of gratitude makes all the difference.

8. Make Someone Smile Today

Spread happiness. Be Kind. Not only will you make someone's day, they will turn around and bless someone else with their happiness. And this in turn will put a smile on your face!

9. Readers Are Leaders

What are you currently reading? Grab a good book, read a chapter a day and watch your life and your business transform into greatness!

10. Have You Listened To A Training Call This Week?

Your team's training calls are part of your lifeline. No matter what level you are with your business, don't ever feel as if you've arrived. You must always focus on growing!

11. Stay In Contact With Your Enroller

This is the other half of your lifeline. Don't wait for them to contact you. They are waiting and excited to hear from you! That's when they know you're serious about your business.

12. Make Your Team Members Feel As Special As They Are

Be a cheerleader for your team! Recognize them for every victory, big or small. It will make their day and push them to work harder!

13. Cheer For Yourself

Believe in YOU! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Your business will be as successful as you think you can make it!

14. Laugh Off Your Mistakes And Keep Pressing Forward

Take each mistake and learn from it. Embrace them, they will make you better!

15. Take One Day Off Per Week To Enjoy Family

After all, aren't they what you are working for?

16. Make A To-Do-List Every Morning

Sounds simple right? This one tip will help you to stay organized and on task. Try it and enjoy the feeling at the end of the day when you know you've had a productive day.

17. Treat Your Business Like A Business, Not A Hobby

You have to be THE HARDEST BOSS YOU'VE EVER HAD! Respect your business, show up for work, be consistent, and you will earn business income instead of hobby income.

18. Don't Spend Too Much Time On Facebook, Pick Up The Phone

Facebook is an amazing marketing tool for us in this industry, use it. But don't get sucked in to just sitting there all day scrolling through the news feed.

19. Lead By Example

Don't just talk about it, get out there and DO IT! I never ask my team to do anything I'm not willing to get out there and do myself. If you want your team to be top producers, BE a top producer yourself!

20. Small Action Steps Compounded Over Time Turn Into Something great

CONSISTENCY is the secret to building a successful home business!!! Touch your business every single day.

21. Don't Quit Before The Blessing

The first year in network marketing is the hardest. It's new, your learning the ropes, finding your niche, programming yourself to have a business mindset. All the successful people that you see in this industry that have the success that you want, they ALL went thought their first year, they all had bumps and obstacles. YOU are not the only one that is hitting obstacles. Obstacles are a part of life. They are a test to see what you're made of. So it you want success, know that you have to go through all of that first before you reach the blessing. And blessing guys.....is so worth it!

GO for greatness!! You deserve it!

Which one tip is your favorite? Leave me a comment below: I would love to hear from you!

I believe in you!

Susan ~

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