Wednesday, December 9, 2015

True Grit

The key predictor of success is not talent, title, wealth, or good looks. It is Grit: the ability to work hard for a long period of time toward a focused goal and keep moving forward in spite of challenges, obstacles and failures.

Grit is passion and perseverance for long term goals. It's a marathon not a sprint. It's actually a marathon and a series of sprints combined with a boxing match. You are not just running but getting hit along the way. Grit keeps you moving forward through the sting of rejection, pain of failure and struggle with adversity. When life knocks you down you may want to stay down and give up but Grit won't let you quit.

This begs the question, why does Grit keep you moving forward? How does it work? If Grit drives you what drives Grit?

I believe True Grit starts with knowing what you truly want. When you know what you want and you can see it, you will work hard and persevere in order to achieve it.

True Grit is also driven by clarity of mind, purpose, passion, optimism, faith, love, hope and quite honestly...stubbornness. Knowing your why, refusing to give up, ignoring the critics, believing in the possible, loving what you do and showing up day in and day out keeps you on the path towards your vision.

I also believe that the desire to prove oneself is also part of Grit. I know there's something inside of each of us that wants to feel worthy and be someone of value. This desire fuels us to succeed but can also be unhealthy and sabotage us if it doesn't give way to humility and a bigger purpose.

Not everyone will share your vision and believe in your project. Always remember that the circumstances around you and the opinion of others don't create or define you . Life is never created from the outside in. You create your life from the inside out. The grit and spirit you possess on the inside will create the life you experience on the outside.

If you have a vision, keep it alive. Remember your purpose. Show up every day and do the work. Stay the course and keep moving forward in spite of the rejection and obstacles you face.

If you found value in today's post. Please comment below. 

Believing in you!

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