Wednesday, December 9, 2015

True Grit

The key predictor of success is not talent, title, wealth, or good looks. It is Grit: the ability to work hard for a long period of time toward a focused goal and keep moving forward in spite of challenges, obstacles and failures.

Grit is passion and perseverance for long term goals. It's a marathon not a sprint. It's actually a marathon and a series of sprints combined with a boxing match. You are not just running but getting hit along the way. Grit keeps you moving forward through the sting of rejection, pain of failure and struggle with adversity. When life knocks you down you may want to stay down and give up but Grit won't let you quit.

This begs the question, why does Grit keep you moving forward? How does it work? If Grit drives you what drives Grit?

I believe True Grit starts with knowing what you truly want. When you know what you want and you can see it, you will work hard and persevere in order to achieve it.

True Grit is also driven by clarity of mind, purpose, passion, optimism, faith, love, hope and quite honestly...stubbornness. Knowing your why, refusing to give up, ignoring the critics, believing in the possible, loving what you do and showing up day in and day out keeps you on the path towards your vision.

I also believe that the desire to prove oneself is also part of Grit. I know there's something inside of each of us that wants to feel worthy and be someone of value. This desire fuels us to succeed but can also be unhealthy and sabotage us if it doesn't give way to humility and a bigger purpose.

Not everyone will share your vision and believe in your project. Always remember that the circumstances around you and the opinion of others don't create or define you . Life is never created from the outside in. You create your life from the inside out. The grit and spirit you possess on the inside will create the life you experience on the outside.

If you have a vision, keep it alive. Remember your purpose. Show up every day and do the work. Stay the course and keep moving forward in spite of the rejection and obstacles you face.

If you found value in today's post. Please comment below. 

Believing in you!

Monday, December 7, 2015

How Do You Want To Grow Your Business?

You can grow it online, you can grow it offline, you can grow it through generating leads, you can grow it through getting referrals, or yo can grow it using social media. There are so many places to find prospects and places to generate leads. 

You always have to keep in mind that the reason you are generating leads, finding prospects and getting referrals is to simply get their eyes on the presentation. In essence, no matter the marketing method that you use, you have to ultimately get their eyes on the presentation. Here are some tips to generating leads:

1. Finding People To Talk To:

Generating leads and finding prospects are done so you can get people to your presentation. The reason you want to "get your name out there" is so you can get eyes on your presentation.

There are a few ways to find people to speak to about your business. Many people will find one strategy and use it. You'll find it beneficial to look at these different strategies as "spokes" (as on a bicycle wheel) and have a few different spokes/strategies going simultaneously in your business.

  • Warm Market - These are your friends and family - those people who already know you.
  • Cold Market - These are strangers who do not know you. You may meet these people at networking events, meetup groups, out and about, etc...
  • Social Media - These are the people you connect with through social media. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Referrals - These are people your existing network refers to you.
  • Online Attraction Marketing -These are people who find you online via blogs, videos, value you put out, classifieds, job boards, online lead sources, etc.
The important key to remember is that you have to get eyes on your presentation. Building a home business is a relationship business and it is a numbers game. You have to get people into the system.

2. Prospecting And Inviting:

You'll often hear that you have to plant seeds in order to have a harvest. You have to start conversations with people and share your product and opportunity. While some will immediately "get it" and sign up with you, most will take their time and have to go through several "exposures" before they make a decision.

What many people do is share their opportunity with one person as a time instead of sharing with many people and adding multiple people into their "sales funnel." Just as it would be silly for a farmer to plant one seed and expect a great harvest, it's not very logical to think that you can share your product with one person and gain many new customers. You have to plant a lot of seeds - you have to start a lot of conversations.

You can do this! It's just talking with people and you already talk with people you do not know all of the time. 

Here are some tips for prospecting and recruiting:

  • Be Yourself!
  • Have a strong posture - have a strong belief - show confidence 
  • Don't go out to recruit, but rather recruit while you are out.
  • Start Conversations
  • Build Rapport
  • Discover needs
  • Help them see that you can help them solve their problem (related to your offer or opportunity)
  • Learn to effectively invite
  • Get their eyes on your presentation
  • Help them see it is something they can do
  • Do not be addicted to the outcome - whether yes or no, your job is to show the presentation
3. Create Productive Habits:

Once you "plant seeds" you then have to make sure they get water and sunshine - nourishment, if you will. In your business, this means you have to start conversations, nurture the relationships, share your presentation, follow up provide additional exposures and keep the conversations going. The added exposures and extended conversations may take a variety of formats and look differently based on your relationship.

The most important part is that you create habits of building new relationships, sharing your presentation, follow up and providing help to those you are out to serve.

  • Starting conversations is a habit
  • Sharing your presentation daily is a habit
  • Follow up is a habit
  • Providing value to your marketplace is a habit
  • These are the money producing habits you need to establish in order to grow your business
4. Stay Consistent And Active

Have you ever heard the saying "A body in motion stays in motion?" - this applies to your business. Keep the activity going. Have you ever heard the saying "Activity cures all ills?" This one is true too. Have you ever heard "it's a numbers game?" - same have to make the numbers your friend. Your habits will either lead you to success or lead you to failure. Choose success. How active you are in your business is totally in your own control. Your success or failure is totally in your own control. 

It takes time for seeds to grow and it takes time for teams to come into being. Be patient. Go through the journey. Don't allow yourself to get frustrated.

.....but don't delay the harvest either.

The more seeds you plant, the faster and bigger the harvest. Build with intensity. Build with purpose. 

I hope you got value from today's post. Please feel free to comment below and share with your team! If there is anything I can help you with, please feel free to contact me directly at 803-391-6268. 

Believing in you,

Friday, December 4, 2015

What It Takes To Become A Successful Work At Home Mom

Where My Work At Home Dream Began

Since you're reading this, we most likely have the same be a successful work at home mom! My dream to become a successful work at home mom began in 2001. At the time, I was a stay at home mom of a beautiful boy who was three at the time and I was pregnant with my daughter. I wanted to make money but I also wanted to continue being home with my child. The only option....become a successful work at home mom! and I'd love to say bringing this successful work at home moms dream to fruition was easy, but it wasn't. I searched long and hard through ALL the junk on the internet and almost gave up. 

The Fork In The Road

I finally found my answer about a year later in September of 2002. I came across an ad for a home business but I was extremely skeptical. For the next four months, that ad kept slapping me right in the face. I stopped and stared at that ad that spoke of "Financial Freedom From Home." The word that stuck out to me the most was "Freedom". I felt in my heart at that moment that I hit a fork in the road and that my decision here would either make or break me. That's when I decided to request some information. I got started on the spot and started the training and started working the next day. Working from home has changed my life! I have grown so much personally. I have conquered so many fears from having a huge phone fear, having to lead a conference call fear etc. All that is GONE! Focusing on my WHY I needed to work from home kept a FIRE lit inside of me to keep pressing forward and facing every fear. And here are my WHY's:

My Journey To A Positive Change

My work at home journey has been amazing but it has not always been easy. My first year working at home was the worst AND the best year of my life. Was it hard work? Absolutely! Did I fall asleep on my computer some nights? Absolutely! Did my house get messy? Absolutely! Did I feel guilty about not spending a lot of time with my son? Absolutely! Did I ever wonder if I was doing the right thing? Absolutely NOT!

I knew that finding success at home was going to make a HUGE difference in my family's life! Making sacrifices for a year or working at a J O B for 40 years was the best decision I have ever made in my entire life!!!! My son had "happy" mommy again! With a full time work from home income! It's amazing what you can accomplish when you take the leap of faith and just go for it!

My Vision....And What's In It For You!

I now have the best of both worlds, a career and the ability to be the mom I've always wanted to be. I have built a very successful business from home and am SO grateful for that. However, I continue to see many moms out there struggling to find work at home success! My passion is to help ALL moms that want to become successful WAHM's! That is my purpose and mission of this blog! I have a lot of work at home knowledge and have helped many reach success as well. I will be sharing work at home ideas, tools to help you succeed and inspiration to keep you on track on your journey! And if you've ever worked at home, you know that there is so much more to it than that. We have to balance everything!!!! We have to take care of the family, cook, budget, the whole nine yards. We have to be savvy moms! 

My Challenge And Hope For You!

You can become a successful work at home mom! Believe in yourself and work you butt off! Fight to get your life back! Fight for the life that you and your family deserve! The end result is sooo worth it! How many moms do you know that can be home full time with their kids and make a full time income? Get out there and make your dream come true. 

Please comment below if you found value in today's post.

Believing in you!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Two Words That Can Change Your Life!

As I go through my kid's folders, I ran across a local kids newspaper that is sent home periodically. I started quickly browsing through it to see if there was anything interesting and I ran across an article that I felt was so necessary to share with everyone I know this afternoon. These are rules in which I live by and have helped me to live each day with a grateful heart.

I so often hear people around me complaining on a daily basis and a lot of times I'm known as the "All sunshine and rainbows" girl as I always find a bright side to every daily situation. I get looked at like I have two heads sometimes bu the perpetual pessimists, but that's okay. I love my positive attitude and I am PROUD OF IT!! It has helped me through so many difficult times and I couldn't imagine where I would be if it wasn't a part of me. A positive attitude is really just a choice, a mindset, and if you just change a few things around, how you speak, how you react, etc., it will absolutely become a part of who you are! That's when you will see your life transforming on many levels. So with all that being said, here is the article:

"Have To" or "Get To"

By Jon Gordon

Who knew that two simple words could change one's mindset, perspective and approach to work and life? Just two words have the potential to enhance joy, productivity, performance and change a complaining voice to an appreciative heart.

So often we say things like, "I have to take the kids to practice." "I have to go to this meeting." "I have have to finish this project." "I have to go to work today." "I have to take care of this customer." "I have to share this new information with my team." "I have to see my family this weekend." We act as if we don't have a choice. As if we are imprisoned by a paycheck and the expectations of a world that forces us to do things we don't want to do. But in reality, we do have a choice. We can choose our attitude and our actions. We can choose how we view our life and work. We can realize that every day is a gift. It's not about what we have to do. It's about what we get to do. We get to live this life while so many like Tim Russert and my Mom have left this world far too early. We get to drive in traffic while so many are too sick to drive a car. We get to go to a job while so many are unemployed. We get to raise our children even if they drive us nuts at times. We get to interact with our employees and customers and make a difference in their life. We get to use our gifts and talents to make a product or provide a service. We get to eat three meals a day while millions of people are starving. We get to work on projects, answer phone calls, serve customers, participate in meetings, design, create, share, sell, lead and suit up every day for the game of life. 

Yes there will be challenges and life isn't easy but each day we wake up, we get another opportunity to make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. We get to uplift, inspire, encourage and impact others. We get to live this life. Let's make the most of it by remembering that life is a gift not an obligation.

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did! Please comment and share this with your team. I know it will brighten their day and could help them make a positive change. 

Believing in you!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Secrets To A Successful Home Business

I've been working at home for over 10 years now and I get more and more excited every day. When I started, I was really excited to make a positive change in my life. I needed a change and knew that my home business would be the answer. Having no experience when I started my home business, it was my very first home anything, I had no idea how I was going to reach success and a full time income from home but I knew that I would. I had 0% skill but I had 100% attitude! I vowed from day one to make this happen instead of making excuses. I knew there would be good days and bad days but as long as the good days out weighed the bad, it was a success!! I've always worked hard every day consistently and the small daily efforts over time added up to a beautiful thing! And now it's my passion to give back and help everyone who wants it reach the same success and beyond! There is so much room at the top in this industry, that's a beautiful thing. This doesn't just happen for some people, it happens for everyone who wants it. And if you're reading this, you have taken a step in the right direction.

There are a few different variables that have to meet together to build a successful business, the opportunity, the coaching, the marketing, prospecting skills, etc. But the main ingredients and secrets to building a successful home business is attitude and consistency. If you have them, you can move mountains. If you don't, it will paralyze and disable your home business.

I remember when I was new, I used to always email my mentor these long emails with questions my thoughts, concerns having never done anything like this before, I wanted to make sure I was doing this and doing it right. I didn't want to miss a thing. I wanted to hit my first promotion in 30 days, I didn't hit it until 7 months. Then I wanted to hit my next promotion like yesterday and go so impatient. I remember many of my emails to my mentor I was asking "What's the secret, am I missing something?" She would always come back and say, "You have to be consistent day in and day out and when you are, over time, amazing things will happen. It will all fall into place." And you know, we can hear that over and over again but until we truly see it happen, we don't really understand the truth of it.

What I've learned from my home business is that pretty much of the success of anything in life involves being consistent. If you're trying to lose weight and get in shape, that doesn't happen over night. It takes weeks and months, and sometimes could take a year or more. And it's hard work, there are bumps in the road, we have setbacks we have bad days and binge eat the bag of Oreo's in the pantry, but we pick ourselves up, dust off the crumbs and start fresh the next day with the right eating and exercise patterns. In marriage, anyone who has ever been married knows that takes consistent daily effort. You can't just ignore it and expect it to thrive, you have to work at it. If you ignore it, it starts to fail. If you nurture it, it thrives. It takes daily effort. The key word and what a lot of people find exhausting is the "effort" part. But anything in life of worth is going to take hard work. That's how we appreciate it more. What we're working for here is financial freedom, the ability to be able to work for a few years and retire with a lifetime residual income. That's not going to come at a super easy small price. It's too big to be worth so little time. But the alternative is working for someone else ad making them rich for the next forty years. So work consistently for yourself at home for a few years and have a lifetime residual income or work constantly for someone else for 40+ years and retire with barely anything. It's a no brainer. And you may be thinking, well if I work that long, I'm going to have much more than barely anything. But the sad news is, is that a huge percentage of retirees do not make enough to live on. And with the future of social security and the state of the economy, I'm not going to depend on that. I'm going to take charge and control and build something great for my family. I'm going to build a legacy for them. They deserve that, I deserve that, you guys deserve that. We were all born for greatness!!

I've seen so many people give up and quit before the blessing. The reason being, is our society has a microwave mentality, we want it and we want it now. It's the instant gratification curse that us Americans have. But we can't let that take over. We have to continue realizing that to reach something great, it takes time and commitment. What that means for you is you need to work on your daily efforts....DAILY!! That includes your marketing strategies, how you present your business/products/services to your prospects, personal development, everything on your daily action list. What happens here when you commit to that and follow through is that you are putting on the numbers and when you do that, the enrollments will follow, it's a fact. You'll get good at it, it will get easier every time. And in the beginning, you might have to talk to 20 people to get a yes. But over time, as you're consistent, you'll be able to enroll many more of those 20 people. What also happens when you're consistent, is you build momentum. Momentum is gold in this business. You can do amazing things when you're riding the momentum. Your enrollments will skyrocket and it becomes fun! The opposite would be taking a break, maybe saying "I don't feel like making calls this week" and then finally getting back on the phone next week and you're rusty, you're not having as much fun and that shows in your voice. Another thing I love about being consistent is building my pipeline. Your pipeline is everyone you've ever done a presentation on that didn't enroll on the spot. Those people that you think are no's...well they don't always stay no. Maybe it wasn't the right time in their lives, maybe they still believed they could find data entry online. Whatever their maybe was, some of them will come back to you, weeks, months and even years later. Consistency pays off guys! TRUST IT!

Now it's very easy to say "Okay, I'm going to be consistent" but actually living that motto everyday can be a challenge at times. It's easier said than done. No sooner than you making a decision to do something positive in your life will be an obstacle jump right out and challenge you. Things are going to get in your way, there is no way around that. No one is immune to that. Change your attitude from "oh no, something is in my way" to "hey, I was expecting you and you're not going to defeat me." Attitude is everything!!!! And in this business if you have a good attitude, you can write your own paychecks. 90% of your success in this business will be determined by your attitude. So keeping it in check is key!! You want to go on a mission to feed your mind and learn how to put good things in so that good things will come out. Working on your personal development is the answer. One thing I've always loved about the home based business industry is that we have so many great personal development tools at our fingertips. Get connected to industry leaders and you will always have a ton of good stuff to put in. I just didn't think that I need that "stuff." But I was wrong. When we stop learning, we stop growing. When I finally gave into this personal development concept, it changed my life. It not only transformed my business, but it transformed my personal life as well. Personal Development was one of the many gifts that my home business gave to me. I hope you choose to receive that gift as well.

So there you have it. The secret to success at home = attitude and consistency! Focus on it, commit to it and go out there and claim your victory!

Please comment below if you got value from today's post. 

Believing in you!

Monday, November 23, 2015

To Do And Not To Do

You're in business and you want to know how to effectively grow your business, right? In today's post, I will share five things you must do and four things to not do if you want to grow your business. The good news about growing your business is that it's simple if you have a few skills. Notice I did not say that it is easy, but if you work at it, you only have to master a handful of skills and actions in order to find success.

Here are five things you must do if you want to succeed in your home based business:

1. Get Training

As mentioned above, there are a few skills that are needed in order to succeed and you need to spend time and money to get the training you need. If you're in a good company they will provide lots of entry level training. They will set you up and get you started. You want to master the skills of inviting, prospecting, recruiting, closing and team building. These skills are a must if you want to succeed. 

2. Put In The Effort

You can easily acquire the skills it takes and most people are willing to learn the skills. Where most people miss the boat is the amount of effort they put in. You have to commit to a certain level of activity that focuses on prospecting and team building if you want massive success. What kind of time and effort are you willing to give in order to create a life of time and financial freedom? Are you all in? Or are you in barely some of the time. Your results will answer that question. Set up a time that you can dedicate to your business every day. If you look around, you'll see top earners who have created success in their business by consistently working two hours each day. Put in the effort and the results will follow.

3. Work In The Right Place

Do you spend your time pulling your hair out trying to get certain team members to see the potential of the opportunity or even trying to help them see their potential? Now trust me, I know it takes some longer than others to get it but you need to spend your time with those who get it, who want to run and with those who are hungry and those who want to invest the time needed. I'm not saying to avoid the rest of your team, I'm simply saying invest your time in those who are running and creating activity. You're spinning your wheels when you try to get people on your team to see what they have. Invest your time with those who are putting in the action. Sounds a bit harsh doesn't it? But you are running a business that thrives when you help people who want to be helped.

4. Have The Right Attitude

Attitude is everything. How you respond to the rejection, how you respond to each day, how you look at your success and your failures, how you see others, how you build others up how you inspire others....your attitude is going to make you or break you. A big dosage of self development on a daily basis will have a great impact on your attitude and how you engage with the world around you. What are you doing on a daily basis to keep your attitude in check? For me, I read and listen to a ton of personal development audios. I'm also blessed to be a part of a company that distributes excellent mindset trainings. Do what it takes to develop a good and positive attitude. My biggest suggestion: Run from the negative!!

5. Have A Powerful Vision

You always hear you need to have a powerful WHY - a WHY that will make you cry. A WHY is something that is commercially digestible that will quickly communicate what has you currently motivated.A Powerful Vision goes much deeper and much of it is highly personal. It's all about who you want to become and the impact you want to make. It can include the house you want, the places you want to travel and the lifestyle you want. It encompasses it all - it's all about the vision of where you are headed. You have to have a powerful vision that is going to pull you and one that will help you get through those days you feel like quitting and those days where you have a bad attitude and those days your team member tells you they are quitting. Your vision will keep you "full steam ahead" and in action.

And here are 4 things to NOT do when you are building a business:

1. Do Not Try To Explain This To People

First, you do not want to try to explain your opportunity to people. Use your company tools and let it explain it for you. Use a video, DVD, Magazine, Opportunity Call, Hotel Meeting....whatever it is that your company has in place to share your product or opportunity. You can spend hours trying to explain what company tools can do in minutes. Follow the system and you'll see major benefits because you're using a system that is in place, you're being more duplicatable, and you're spending your time with people who get it. 

Some people will get it, some people will not. It's life. It's just the way it is. Spend your time with those who get it and can see an opportunity with you and your company. There are too many people out there who will not get it. Let the tools do the explaining for you.

2. Do Not Plaster Your Company All Over Social Media

 Too many people are using social media to replace the relationship and networking aspect of network marketing. Social Media is not "Sellcial Media." If you are plastering your link, opportunity and products all over social media, you are doing it wrong.

Learn how to use social media properly by creating curiosity, crafting posts that people like and engage with and that give people a reason to reach out to you. You know when you are annoying friends and family. Your social media strategy in Network Marketing should attract people to you and your business not turn people away.

If you feel like you are being spammy, you are. 

3. Do Not Whine Or Complain

Aren't you amazed at the number of people in our profession who keep their social media full of whining and complaining? How appealing is that? When you whine and complain guess who you attract? whiners and complainers and who has time for that? I know I don't!!

IF you do feel the need to whine and complain, NEVER do that to your down line. You are there to be their leader, you are there to be their rock and their encouragement,not the person who drags them down. If you must, go to your up line.....but seriously, do they need that energy from you? Try to develop the kind of mindset that avoids whining and complaining.

Choose a winner!

4. Do Not Wait On Others TO Build For You

Yes, this is a home business and we are in this because of the leverage it holds for us. But you can't wait for others to build your business for you. Take action as if it's all up to you. If you go out there and recruit and prospect like crazy, you will inspire your team. If you go out there and take action like it only depends on you, you will keep your calendar full and get results.

When you wait on others, you are teaching them to do the same.....then you have a team full of people who are waiting on others. 

Have you ever heard the quote "if it is to be, it is up to me."

This quote definitely applies in the home business industry.!

Success comes from consistency in doing your money producing and profit activities. Sometimes it's good to do a bit of personal reflection to see how you are doing when it comes to avoiding these items you should not be doing.

If you got value in To Do And Not To Do, please comment below. If I can help you with anything, please let me know, you can reach me directly at 803-391-6268.

Believing In You!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Is The Economy Affecting Your Home Business?

Since 2012, I have witnessed so many of my friends and family struggle financially during these hard economic times. It has become a very familiar thing to hear the news that one of them lost their jobs, their hours were cut back, their house is in foreclosure, etc. You know the deal, everyone is talking about it. Turn on CNN look at the front page of the newspaper, scroll through the news feeds on Facebook and you'll see people talking about it daily. It is the main subject on all of our minds these days. Each time I hear or see news like this, it just breaks my heart. I never like to see anyone struggle. And it's not only affecting people financially, but emotionally as well. Money is not everything, just like they say, but is sure does make things easier.

Over the past couple of years, each time I would hear this news I would feel so incredibly grateful that I was able to maintain my financial responsibilities with ease. I would be thankful every day that I started my home based business in 2012 and built it up to a very nice, more than full time income before this recession hit. And as 2009 and 2010 passed, I was blessed to have continued growing within my business. Then 2011 came along and for the first time, I personally felt brunt of this recession. For the first time, I plateaued. I have to admit, it was very humbling and borderline discouraging at first. But I truly believe that I got too comfortable and this was the push that I needed to continue growing and to make myself a better leader and home business owner. So instead of running for the hills and jumping into another home based business or running out and getting a job. I embraced the obstacle. I decided that I was more than capable of overcoming this challenge and it was time to go back to basics. If I did it once, I could do it again, right? What was it that made me help many of my team members do the same? What was it that made me fire my boss, come home full time to my kids? What was "it"? "It" was that burning desire to do whatever it took to get it done. "It" was getting up early and staying up late! "It" was always having faith and believing that my kids deserved to have mom home. "It" was believing that I deserved success. "It" was believing in myself!

Your success will be determined by your attitude and what you choose to focus on. If you focus on the negative, that's exactly what you will get. If you focus on the positive, you will get the positive. Shift your focus from being down on your business and counting the negative to the reasons to be grateful for having your home business. Shift your focus from what is not working to what WILL work. It's all about mindset and what you believe. Here are just a few things that come to mind that you have to be grateful for in having a home based business: 

  • You already know it. Even if you haven't reached your full goals yet, you have already built a foundation and you don't want to throw that away. If you think it's challenging growing your current business this year, imagine starting a brand new one and starting from scratch knowing nothing. THAT would be a challenge!
  • YOU have control of your income! If you want bigger checks, make it happen! Get to work!
  • You cannot be fired, laid off or dismissed. You are your boss!
  • You are building something for you. You deserve not to struggle. You deserve to have something of worth. You deserve greatness.
  • You are home with your family. There is no greater gift than to be able to spend time with your family. Nothing of monetary value can compare...nothing!
I could go on and on. Once you're focused on what to be grateful for, get into action. Here are some things to do to start growing again:

  • Focus on what you know. Instead of going into complete panic that your business has slowed down and going on a manhunt for the greener grass, go back to basics and find that "It" that you had in the beginning. You know what you need to do to be successful, go do it!
  • Double your efforts - If you're getting half the results today, than you were getting before, double your efforts and even it out! Work harder, work longer, don't be afraid of hard work. It builds character and will make you appreciate what you have accomplished even more.
  • If what you're doing for lead generation right now isn't working, do something else. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting the same results period.
  • Choose not to let anything or anyone on the outside influence you in a negative way or pull you from your business. 
  • Keep perspective. It could always be worse. The oldest saying in the book, right?Well it's true. Be grateful you're here to have problems.
The new year is quickly approaching! Prepare yourself and make 2016 your BEST year yet! You cannot do anything about yesterday but you can certainly do something about tomorrow. This country needs a shift, be a part of the shift in the right direction! Focus on the famous quote "If it is to be, it is up to me" and get your game on.

If you got value from today's post. Please comment below!