Since 2012, I have witnessed so many of my friends and family struggle financially during these hard economic times. It has become a very familiar thing to hear the news that one of them lost their jobs, their hours were cut back, their house is in foreclosure, etc. You know the deal, everyone is talking about it. Turn on CNN look at the front page of the newspaper, scroll through the news feeds on Facebook and you'll see people talking about it daily. It is the main subject on all of our minds these days. Each time I hear or see news like this, it just breaks my heart. I never like to see anyone struggle. And it's not only affecting people financially, but emotionally as well. Money is not everything, just like they say, but is sure does make things easier.
Over the past couple of years, each time I would hear this news I would feel so incredibly grateful that I was able to maintain my financial responsibilities with ease. I would be thankful every day that I started my home based business in 2012 and built it up to a very nice, more than full time income before this recession hit. And as 2009 and 2010 passed, I was blessed to have continued growing within my business. Then 2011 came along and for the first time, I personally felt brunt of this recession. For the first time, I plateaued. I have to admit, it was very humbling and borderline discouraging at first. But I truly believe that I got too comfortable and this was the push that I needed to continue growing and to make myself a better leader and home business owner. So instead of running for the hills and jumping into another home based business or running out and getting a job. I embraced the obstacle. I decided that I was more than capable of overcoming this challenge and it was time to go back to basics. If I did it once, I could do it again, right? What was it that made me help many of my team members do the same? What was it that made me fire my boss, come home full time to my kids? What was "it"? "It" was that burning desire to do whatever it took to get it done. "It" was getting up early and staying up late! "It" was always having faith and believing that my kids deserved to have mom home. "It" was believing that I deserved success. "It" was believing in myself!
Your success will be determined by your attitude and what you choose to focus on. If you focus on the negative, that's exactly what you will get. If you focus on the positive, you will get the positive. Shift your focus from being down on your business and counting the negative to the reasons to be grateful for having your home business. Shift your focus from what is not working to what WILL work. It's all about mindset and what you believe. Here are just a few things that come to mind that you have to be grateful for in having a home based business:
- You already know it. Even if you haven't reached your full goals yet, you have already built a foundation and you don't want to throw that away. If you think it's challenging growing your current business this year, imagine starting a brand new one and starting from scratch knowing nothing. THAT would be a challenge!
- YOU have control of your income! If you want bigger checks, make it happen! Get to work!
- You cannot be fired, laid off or dismissed. You are your boss!
- You are building something for you. You deserve not to struggle. You deserve to have something of worth. You deserve greatness.
- You are home with your family. There is no greater gift than to be able to spend time with your family. Nothing of monetary value can compare...nothing!
I could go on and on. Once you're focused on what to be grateful for, get into action. Here are some things to do to start growing again:
- Focus on what you know. Instead of going into complete panic that your business has slowed down and going on a manhunt for the greener grass, go back to basics and find that "It" that you had in the beginning. You know what you need to do to be successful, go do it!
- Double your efforts - If you're getting half the results today, than you were getting before, double your efforts and even it out! Work harder, work longer, don't be afraid of hard work. It builds character and will make you appreciate what you have accomplished even more.
- If what you're doing for lead generation right now isn't working, do something else. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting the same results period.
- Choose not to let anything or anyone on the outside influence you in a negative way or pull you from your business.
- Keep perspective. It could always be worse. The oldest saying in the book, right?Well it's true. Be grateful you're here to have problems.
The new year is quickly approaching! Prepare yourself and make 2016 your BEST year yet! You cannot do anything about yesterday but you can certainly do something about tomorrow. This country needs a shift, be a part of the shift in the right direction! Focus on the famous quote "If it is to be, it is up to me" and get your game on.
If you got value from today's post. Please comment below!
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