Thursday, November 5, 2015

12 Mistakes That Cause Women To Fail In Their Home Business - Part Two

A couple of days ago I shared with you the first 6 of 12 Mistakes That Cause Women To Fail In Their Home Business. Here are the remaining mistakes:

Mistake #7: Not Setting A Schedule

This step is so simple but SO many new home business owners don't follow it. You really need to set a schedule for yourself. For example: I work Monday - Friday from 8-5. Create a schedule that works best for you and try your very best to stick to it. This is your own business, so now and then it's okay to make some changes to your schedule. Life happens and other things come up, but if you miss some of your set hours try to make them up somewhere else in the week. I do this. If something interferes with my M-F schedule, I make the time up on Saturday. Also, and this is important, treat your business just like a part time job outside the home. If you stopped showing up to your part time job outside the home, were late every day, were late every day, were not reliable or didn't put in 100% of your effort, you'd stop getting checks, because you'd get fired. With your home business, no one will fire you, however, you will stop getting checks or worse not even start getting any. You wouldn't do those things with a job outside the home so don't do it to a job inside the home. TREAT YOUR BUSINESS WITH AS MUCH RESPECT, IF NOT MORE, THAN YOU WOULD TREAT A JOB WORKING FOR SOMEONE ELSE! I promise that if you don't value and respect your business, soon enough you will find yourself working outside the home. And everyday when you go to that job, you will think to yourself, "Man! I wish I didn't have to work this job!" Well, you don't but NOW is the time to make sure you never have to go and get another job again. Work your business, set a schedule, make a commitment and give 100%!

Mistake #8: Not Setting Goals Or Having An Action Plan

You need to set goals for yourself so you can always know where you are and where you want to go. Your goals can be when you want to get to a certain promotion level or income level or how many pieces of business you wish to sign up per month, how many forms of advertising you want going on each and every week, how many full conversations you want to have with prospects each day. Set goals, define where you want to go, and hold yourself accountable. It isn't always whether or not you reach your goals, but sometimes it's just looking and asking yourself did you do everything possible this week to help you reach your goals.

Mistake #9: Failing To Participate In Your Team's Training Calls

A simple and easy to explain this mistake. Most companies with successful teams have MANY training calls available to you each week and they are a HUGE part of your ongoing training to master your business. You will learn ways to market and advertise, how to talk to prospects, close them and overcome objections. You will learn about your products/services. You will even hear from other successful leaders as they share with you exactly what they did to reach their level of success. So the fix here, attend these calls! If you are part time you should be listening to at least two calls per week and if you are full time you should be listening to 3-4 calls per week. If your team doesn't have training calls, suggest they start them!

Mistake #10: Getting Emotionally Attached To Your Prospects

What this means is you talk to a prospect today, let's call her Mary....and you and Mary have an awesome conversation, you really hit it off and you talk on a friendly level with her and she tells you at the end that she is very excited and will be ready to start on Friday and asks you to call her back at 1:00 on Friday to help her get started. Then you call her on Friday at 1:00 and she doesn't answer the phone. That's not a good feeling, I know. It got me down a lot in my business when I was new. And who knows why Mary didn't answer the phone, she may have just told you that because she couldn't tell you no, or maybe her husband talked her out of it or maybe she just got scared, who knows. The best way to avoid this is to always focus forward and not backwards. It's great that you had a nice conversation with Mary last week but don't focus on that. Only focus on talking to new people, focusing forward. If you call Mary back on Friday and she answers, that's great!! But if she doesn't (which happens sometimes) don't allow yourself to get upset, just bless and release and keep pressing forward.

Mistake #11: Going Into Management Mode

I see this one a lot. A new home business owner will enroll a team member or two or three and they go into complete management mode. A lot of new team leaders fall into this trap. They focus too heavily on training and leading their team members and discontinue looking for new people. This will kill your business and completely put a halt on earning new checks. You need to continue working on personal production. Not only will it help you earn more checks and find great leaders but it is a great example for your team. If you're adding business, your team will follow you. To build a successful team, it is so important to lead by example!! This business is a numbers game. To find the leaders you need to new levels and beyond, you will need to add the quantity to get the quality. Your first three or four team members will most likely NOT be the leaders that will help you promote to the next level. Trust me on that. You will need to add many more than that. Also, there is a power in numbers. The more people you have on your team that are also looking for new team members, the more your check will grow!! Obviously 30 team members can add more business than just you all by yourself. So, it you're looking to reach the top level and a six figure income with your company, you need to understand that volume equals results.

Mistake #12: Quitting Before The Blessing

The most amazing part of your home business is when you can really start to see amazing things happening in your business. You start to see growth on your team and real significant growth in your paychecks. This is something that takes time to start to see, it doesn't happen right away. Building a successful home business takes time. However, if you work your business consistently and with a strong desire to achieve greatness, you WILL reach your financial goals. When you do, your dreams become reality and it is an amazing blessing. The problem lies when a person quits the business before the blessing. All too many times we have heard people say, "It's going to slow", "Things are not happening", "It's not going to to work for me." The thing is it is going to work. It works for EVERY single person who stays and works their business. Building a home business is a lot like being on a diet and exercise plan. It takes a lot of daily effort and dedication. A week or two can go by and you may not see the results JUST yet. Would you quit your diet and stop exercising just because you don't see results right away? No! You keep going because you KNOW it WILL work if you keep working hard at it. Same thing with building a home business! Easy fix here, do not let quitting to be an option for you! If you are a part of a great company, it will happen for you! The only difference between you and the successful leaders in your company is that they have been here longer and that's it!!

So there you have it ladies! The 12 mistakes that cause women to fail in their home businesses. Are you making any or many of them??? If so, no worries, a lot of us did in the beginning of our business. You can correct the mistakes and start moving forward in the direct of great success from home! I TRULY wish that for all of you! My home business has changed my life!! You ALL deserve that same amount of success and beyond!

Please share this post with all of your work at home mom. Together we can help bring MANY moms home!

Much love and success,

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